Monday, August 30, 2010

A sad story...

A bf gave a challenge to his gf to live a day without him ,
No communications at all and said if she passed it ,
He'll love her forever , that gf agreed 
She did not text or call him whole day , Without knowing that his bf has only 24 hours to live
because he's suffering from cancer , She excitedly went to her bf's house the next day
Tears fall as she saw his bf lying on the coffin  with a note on the side

"you did it baby,can you did it everyday"
I LOVE U !!!

erin , erin

hahaha , klakar larr kat skola td btw,td rmai yg x dtg skola..cme 19 org jew yg dtg.
skitt kan 2 yg x blajar 2 kne wat keje sndiri , ok smbung balik citer
kn td kan x blajar so kteorg pon wat larr folio geografi.
aq,teah ngan erin , pas2 mse 2 ckgu msuk so ,  kteorg pon dri lar
bg salam sume kan  pas da bgi slam kteorg pon duduk lar kan
yg si erin nih die x duduk lagi tau pas2 teah ckp 'weh,pehal ko dri duduk lar'
mse eri nak duduk kan si syafiq nih g tarik kerusi si erin , haha
ape lg trgolek dog ar erin jtuh kan , haha jhat ann ?
syafiq ckp 'lar aq ingt ko nak duduk kat kerusi len 2 yg aq tolak 2'
serious klakar dowhh , klau ko tngk erin jtuh dngr suara jew mke da hilang da jtuh
pas2 aq x benti2 glak kan die.smpai keje pon x siap . haha